Daddy fucks me everyday

Daddy fucks me every day. It all started when my mother became a frigid woman, she didn't I wanted to give it to daddy no way. The father, to relieve himself, began to see pictures of naked women, most of them young. My mother found out and was very angry, especially knowing that the photos were of young women, which made her very jealous and that's why she threw all the photos away.

My dad got really angry and for some reason I don't know, he thought I was the one who told him about the photos. And as punishment he put me on his lap, lifted my skirt and slapped my ass, but seeing and touching my little ass made him very excited and adding that to the drought of months without fucking my mother and the anger she was feeling towards both of us, he made daddy really want to fuck me. He told me to suck his dick and made sure it was in front of my mother that there was nothing I could do, I almost choked when he came in my mouth

Daddy fucks me whenever he can

Not satisfied with cumming in my mouth, he wanted to eat me too. He told me to open my legs and forcefully put his cassette in my pussy which was still very tight, and that's why it was hurting a lot, but the more I moaned in pain the more excited he got and the harder he punched my pussy. Now whenever daddy can fuck me and his favorite position is on all fours and he also likes to eat me on my stomach, he says that now I'm daddy's little bitch

ACTORS : lala kudo